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Starred Cookies Statement

This cookie statement of Starred B.V. explains in which way cookies are stored on and information is read from your computer, tablet and/or mobile phone (hereafter: “Terminal Equipment”) through the website of Starred. This cookie statement also states for which purposes the collected information will be used. We thus advise you to read this cookie statement carefully.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a tiny data file, which is stored on your Terminal Equipment within the web browser, when certain web pages are visited. A cookie does not contain or collect information in isolation, but when read by a server via a web browser; it can give information to facilitate a more user friendly service such as detecting errors.

How and why we use cookies

Starred stores several cookies for different purposes. Starred uses technical cookies to enable essential functionalities on our website, analytical cookies for registering the use of our website and permanent cookies for functionality purposes. These cookies are all mentioned in the list below.

Apart from cookies that Starred itself stores, third parties can store cookies on your Terminal Equipment through the website. Starred cannot control or influence the use of these cookies and/or the use by third parties of the information collected through these cookies. Starred only provides the platform that enables storing these third party cookies.

Starred emphasizes that on the use of the data collected through these cookies further conditions of third parties may be applicable.

To inform you in a clear and complete way about the use of cookies on our website we have listed the various application possibilities below. A distinction has been made between the various application purposes.

Name Domain Description
Essential functionalities Starred Starred stores technical cookies on your Terminal Equipment that are required to provide the requested service. For instance, these cookies allow you to proceed through different pages of a website with a single login.
Analytics Starred, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Optimizely, Hotjar Analytics cookies are used to register your use of the website. For example, these cookies give us information about the number of visitors of our website, which website the user came from and how long users stay on our website. This enables Starred to get more insight in the way in which the website is used and, based on this information, to make adjustments to the website or the provided services. We might also use analytics cookies to test the reactions of our users to new ads, pages, or features (also known as A/B testing).
Functional Starred Starred can store permanent cookies that remain stored on your Terminal Equipment for a longer period of time. With these permanent cookies your Terminal Equipment can be recognized the next time you visit the website and allow you to visit the website without logging in again. These cookies are only used if you have the possibility to save your name and password on the website.
Targeting or advertising Starred, Google AdWords Conversion, Google Dynamic Remarketing, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Hubspot Starred and Google use permanent cookies to track your online behavior on our website and other websites of Starred’s you visit. This information can be used to present you with offers and advertisements specifically tailored to you based on this information.
Interaction Intercom To provide fully functional in-site chats and comment systems, cookies are stored and read on your Terminal Equipment.

Safe Harbor

Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark may transfer information to third parties if this is required by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of Google, Mixpanel , Optimizely or Olark. We have no influence over the processing of personal data by Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark. The information is transmitted to and stored by Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark on servers in the United States. Google, Mixpanel , Optimizely and Olark state to adhere to the Safe Harbor principles and are affiliated with the Safe Harbor program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This means that there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

Reading information without cookies

Besides storing cookies, Starred reads the information received from your browser and Terminal Equipment without a cookie being stored. In this way, Starred collects the (technical) features of your Terminal Equipment and software used by you, such as the type of operating system, software, IP address, browser settings, account number and visited pages. Starred uses this information to track your online behavior.

Deleting cookies

The consent you have given to store and read cookies, can be withdrawn at any time by setting your browser to disable cookies and/or to remove all cookies from your browser.  You can read how you delete the different types of cookies from different browsers at Please take into account that deleting cookies may cause some parts of the website to work incorrectly.

Privacy statement

It is possible that information collected through a cookie or obtained otherwise, contains personal data. If this is the case, the Privacy Statement of Starred is applicable on the processing of these data. You can find more information in our Privacy page.


This cookie statement can be changed at all times. Changes in the cookie statement will be announced on our website.


If you have any further questions about this cookie statement, you can send an Email to

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Last updated on:

September 24, 2024

Starred Cookies Statement


This cookie statement of Starred B.V. explains in which way cookies are stored on and information is read from your computer, tablet and/or mobile phone (hereafter: “Terminal Equipment”) through the website of Starred. This cookie statement also states for which purposes the collected information will be used. We thus advise you to read this cookie statement carefully.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a tiny data file, which is stored on your Terminal Equipment within the web browser, when certain web pages are visited. A cookie does not contain or collect information in isolation, but when read by a server via a web browser; it can give information to facilitate a more user friendly service such as detecting errors.

How and why we use cookies

Starred stores several cookies for different purposes. Starred uses technical cookies to enable essential functionalities on our website, analytical cookies for registering the use of our website and permanent cookies for functionality purposes. These cookies are all mentioned in the list below.

Apart from cookies that Starred itself stores, third parties can store cookies on your Terminal Equipment through the website. Starred cannot control or influence the use of these cookies and/or the use by third parties of the information collected through these cookies. Starred only provides the platform that enables storing these third party cookies.

Starred emphasizes that on the use of the data collected through these cookies further conditions of third parties may be applicable.

To inform you in a clear and complete way about the use of cookies on our website we have listed the various application possibilities below. A distinction has been made between the various application purposes.

Name Domain Description
Essential functionalities Starred Starred stores technical cookies on your Terminal Equipment that are required to provide the requested service. For instance, these cookies allow you to proceed through different pages of a website with a single login.
Analytics Starred, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Optimizely, Hotjar Analytics cookies are used to register your use of the website. For example, these cookies give us information about the number of visitors of our website, which website the user came from and how long users stay on our website. This enables Starred to get more insight in the way in which the website is used and, based on this information, to make adjustments to the website or the provided services. We might also use analytics cookies to test the reactions of our users to new ads, pages, or features (also known as A/B testing).
Functional Starred Starred can store permanent cookies that remain stored on your Terminal Equipment for a longer period of time. With these permanent cookies your Terminal Equipment can be recognized the next time you visit the website and allow you to visit the website without logging in again. These cookies are only used if you have the possibility to save your name and password on the website.
Targeting or advertising Starred, Google AdWords Conversion, Google Dynamic Remarketing, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Hubspot Starred and Google use permanent cookies to track your online behavior on our website and other websites of Starred’s you visit. This information can be used to present you with offers and advertisements specifically tailored to you based on this information.
Interaction Intercom To provide fully functional in-site chats and comment systems, cookies are stored and read on your Terminal Equipment.

Safe Harbor

Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark may transfer information to third parties if this is required by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of Google, Mixpanel , Optimizely or Olark. We have no influence over the processing of personal data by Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark. The information is transmitted to and stored by Google, Mixpanel, Optimizely and Olark on servers in the United States. Google, Mixpanel , Optimizely and Olark state to adhere to the Safe Harbor principles and are affiliated with the Safe Harbor program of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This means that there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

Reading information without cookies

Besides storing cookies, Starred reads the information received from your browser and Terminal Equipment without a cookie being stored. In this way, Starred collects the (technical) features of your Terminal Equipment and software used by you, such as the type of operating system, software, IP address, browser settings, account number and visited pages. Starred uses this information to track your online behavior.

Deleting cookies

The consent you have given to store and read cookies, can be withdrawn at any time by setting your browser to disable cookies and/or to remove all cookies from your browser.  You can read how you delete the different types of cookies from different browsers at Please take into account that deleting cookies may cause some parts of the website to work incorrectly.

Privacy statement

It is possible that information collected through a cookie or obtained otherwise, contains personal data. If this is the case, the Privacy Statement of Starred is applicable on the processing of these data. You can find more information in our Privacy page.


This cookie statement can be changed at all times. Changes in the cookie statement will be announced on our website.


If you have any further questions about this cookie statement, you can send an Email to