How Marqeta Became The Leader in Hiring Manager Satisfaction

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We essentially gathered all the questions every recruiter would ask and consolidated that to a template where it would capture everything you need to be in lock with every Hiring Manager.
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How Marqeta Became The Leader in Hiring Manager Satisfaction

Hiring Manager Satisfaction Leaders

Marqeta recognizing the critical role Candidate Experience plays in their hiring process started the collaboration with Starred, which allowed them to measure, customize and automate their hiring process.

“We understand that delivering an exceptional Candidate Experience not only enhances our Employer Brand, but also directly impacts our ability to attract top talent. We really want every candidate that interacts with Marqeta to leave with a positive impression.“ –Lucas Nehemiah

The Talent Acquisition team excels at collaborating with their Hiring Managers to deliver seamless and exceptional Candidate Experiences at every step of the hiring journey. According to our 2023 Hiring Manager Benchmark data, Marqeta is one of the highest-scoring companies within the Hiring Manager Satisfaction, with an NPS score of +86.

Marqeta’s Best Practices in Hiring Manager Satisfaction

Marqeta’s case has shown that having a high Hiring Manager NPS can give a significant competitive advantage to the employer. Having the insights has allowed them to align the recruiting journey, understand the best practices and gather unique data points, for example, which groups might be underrepresented in the hiring journey. 

“When we started to send surveys to our Hiring Managers it gave us better Insight on what they need from us as a talent partner and that has greatly helped us foster a great Candidate Experience.” –Lucas Nehemiah

1. Standardized Onboarding Process 

Initially, Marqeta focused on streamlining and documenting the questions recruiters ask during the Hiring Manager’s onboarding process. 

“We essentially gathered all the questions every recruiter would ask and consolidated that to a template where it would capture everything you need to be in lock with every Hiring Manager.” –Lucas Nehemiah

This standardized kickoff process has ensured that recruiters thoroughly understand the hiring needs before taking action. Knowing exactly what to ask allows them the autonomy to delve deeper during the kickoff meetings.

2. Data-driven Decisions

Analyzing the survey metrics and finding trends has helped Marqeta make data-driven decisions regarding their recruiting process. The survey allows hiring managers to reflect on the hiring process and provide valuable feedback to the recruiting team.

“Starred has defined what exactly are the metrics we should be measuring and because we have that solid set of data to compare year-over-year against ourselves and other peers in the industry, we are tracking and pivoting where we need to improve.“ –Lucas Nehemiah

3. Listening to the Hiring Managers

As well the team focuses on gathering qualitative comments from hiring managers, looking for recurring themes that can be acted upon. By reading through every comment, it is possible to identify parts of the hiring process that might benefit from improvement, for example, whether the interview process could be shortened to avoid candidate fatigue.

“Typically, there really isn't a clear point in time or a vehicle for hiring managers to share their insights but having the comments (in addition to the survey) has given them a voice to share their learnings back to the broader recruiting team.” –Lucas Nehemiah

4. Goal Setting with Benchmarks

Marqeta also highlights the importance of having benchmarks throughout the hiring journey, allowing them to continuously measure and monitor their performance as a recruiting function. 

By setting specific NPS targets at various stages of the process and clearly defining how to support hiring managers and interview participants, they can ensure ongoing improvement within recruitment goals. For example, they had set a Hiring Manager survey goal of +80 NPS, which they successfully surpassed with the result of +86 NPS.

On top of that, having Starred Benchmarks from thousands of respondents of major industry leaders can give a better perspective of the collected data and help set more realistic goals.


Marqeta’s case highlights how a well-designed and aligned recruitment process, especially with Hiring Managers, benefits the overall Candidate Experience. 

“I think high Hiring Manager NPS creates a positive ripple effect throughout the entire recruiting journey.” –Lucas Nehemiah

Having engaged and satisfied Hiring Managers leads to smoother and more transparent communication and collaboration. The Hiring Managers will provide relevant feedback for improvement and advocate for candidates, which will ultimately lead to a faster decision-making process, a better quality of hire and an overall positive experience for all. 

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Hiring Manager Satisfaction Leaders

Marqeta recognizing the critical role Candidate Experience plays in their hiring process started the collaboration with Starred, which allowed them to measure, customize and automate their hiring process.

“We understand that delivering an exceptional Candidate Experience not only enhances our Employer Brand, but also directly impacts our ability to attract top talent. We really want every candidate that interacts with Marqeta to leave with a positive impression.“ –Lucas Nehemiah

The Talent Acquisition team excels at collaborating with their Hiring Managers to deliver seamless and exceptional Candidate Experiences at every step of the hiring journey. According to our 2023 Hiring Manager Benchmark data, Marqeta is one of the highest-scoring companies within the Hiring Manager Satisfaction, with an NPS score of +86.

Marqeta’s Best Practices in Hiring Manager Satisfaction

Marqeta’s case has shown that having a high Hiring Manager NPS can give a significant competitive advantage to the employer. Having the insights has allowed them to align the recruiting journey, understand the best practices and gather unique data points, for example, which groups might be underrepresented in the hiring journey. 

“When we started to send surveys to our Hiring Managers it gave us better Insight on what they need from us as a talent partner and that has greatly helped us foster a great Candidate Experience.” –Lucas Nehemiah

1. Standardized Onboarding Process 

Initially, Marqeta focused on streamlining and documenting the questions recruiters ask during the Hiring Manager’s onboarding process. 

“We essentially gathered all the questions every recruiter would ask and consolidated that to a template where it would capture everything you need to be in lock with every Hiring Manager.” –Lucas Nehemiah

This standardized kickoff process has ensured that recruiters thoroughly understand the hiring needs before taking action. Knowing exactly what to ask allows them the autonomy to delve deeper during the kickoff meetings.

2. Data-driven Decisions

Analyzing the survey metrics and finding trends has helped Marqeta make data-driven decisions regarding their recruiting process. The survey allows hiring managers to reflect on the hiring process and provide valuable feedback to the recruiting team.

“Starred has defined what exactly are the metrics we should be measuring and because we have that solid set of data to compare year-over-year against ourselves and other peers in the industry, we are tracking and pivoting where we need to improve.“ –Lucas Nehemiah

3. Listening to the Hiring Managers

As well the team focuses on gathering qualitative comments from hiring managers, looking for recurring themes that can be acted upon. By reading through every comment, it is possible to identify parts of the hiring process that might benefit from improvement, for example, whether the interview process could be shortened to avoid candidate fatigue.

“Typically, there really isn't a clear point in time or a vehicle for hiring managers to share their insights but having the comments (in addition to the survey) has given them a voice to share their learnings back to the broader recruiting team.” –Lucas Nehemiah

4. Goal Setting with Benchmarks

Marqeta also highlights the importance of having benchmarks throughout the hiring journey, allowing them to continuously measure and monitor their performance as a recruiting function. 

By setting specific NPS targets at various stages of the process and clearly defining how to support hiring managers and interview participants, they can ensure ongoing improvement within recruitment goals. For example, they had set a Hiring Manager survey goal of +80 NPS, which they successfully surpassed with the result of +86 NPS.

On top of that, having Starred Benchmarks from thousands of respondents of major industry leaders can give a better perspective of the collected data and help set more realistic goals.


Marqeta’s case highlights how a well-designed and aligned recruitment process, especially with Hiring Managers, benefits the overall Candidate Experience. 

“I think high Hiring Manager NPS creates a positive ripple effect throughout the entire recruiting journey.” –Lucas Nehemiah

Having engaged and satisfied Hiring Managers leads to smoother and more transparent communication and collaboration. The Hiring Managers will provide relevant feedback for improvement and advocate for candidates, which will ultimately lead to a faster decision-making process, a better quality of hire and an overall positive experience for all. 

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